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p5-PPIx-Utils Parse Perl string literals and string-literal-like things
p5-Publican Single source publishing tool based on DocBook XML
p5-Regexp-Common Provide commonly requested regular expressions
p5-Regexp-Copy Perl5 module to copy Regexp objects
p5-RTF-Writer (V) Perl module for generating documents in Rich Text Format
p5-sdf Simple Document Format to generate multiple output formats
p5-Search-Indexer Perl 5 module providing a full-text indexer
p5-Search-Xapian Perl XS frontend to the Xapian C++ search library
p5-SGMLS Class for postprocessing the output from the sgmls and nsgmls parsers
p5-Snowball-Norwegian Porters stemming algorithm for Norwegian
p5-Snowball-Swedish Porters stemming algorithm for Swedish
p5-Startup (V) Program flow utility
p5-String-Approx Approximate (fuzzy) string matching library for Perl
p5-String-BufferStack Perl 5 module for nested buffers for templating systems
p5-String-CamelCase Convert string to camelcase and vice versa
p5-String-Compare-ConstantTime Perl5 module for timing side-channel protected string compare
p5-String-CRC32 Perl module to generate cksums from strings and from files
p5-String-Errf Perl 5 module providing a simple string formatter
p5-String-Expand Functions to expand variables in self-referential sets
p5-String-Flogger Perl 5 module for string munging for loggers
p5-String-Formatter Perl 5 module to build sprintf-like functions of your own
p5-String-Interpolate Wrapper for the builtin Perl interpolation engine
p5-String-Koremutake Perl 5 module to convert to/from Koremutake Memorable Random Strings
p5-String-RewritePrefix Rewrite strings based on a set of known prefixes
p5-String-ShellQuote Quote strings for passing through the shell
p5-String-Similarity Calculate the similarity of two strings
p5-String-ToIdentifier-EN Convert Strings to English Program Identifiers
p5-String-Trim Perl5 module to trim whitespace from your strings
p5-String-Truncate Perl5 module for when strings are too long to be displayed
p5-Sub-Prototype (V) Add prototype for function
p5-Sub-Recursive (V) Anonymous memory leak free recursive subroutines
p5-Sub-WrapPackages (V) Add pre- and post-execution wrappers around all the subroutines
p5-Subtitles (V) Handle video subtitles in various text formats
p5-Swim Plain text markup language that converts to many formats
p5-Syntax-Highlight-Engine-Kate Perl port of the syntax highlight engine of the Kate texteditor
p5-Syntax-SourceHighlight Perl binding to GNU source-highlight
p5-Template-Declare Perl 5 module to make Perlish declarative templates
p5-Template-Plugin-Autoformat Interface to Text::Autoformat module for TT2
p5-Template-Plugin-CSV Template::Toolkit plugin for generating CSV
p5-Template-Plugin-DateTime (V) Template plugin to use DateTime objects
p5-Template-Plugin-Latex Latex support for the Template Toolkit
p5-Template-Plugin-Number-Format Plugin/filter interface to Number::Format
p5-Template-Plugin-YAML Plugin interface to YAML
p5-Template-Tiny Template Toolkit reimplemented in as little code as possible
p5-Term-Encoding (V) Detect encoding of the current terminal
p5-Test-XML (V) Compare XML in perl tests
p5-Test-YAML Testing Module for YAML Implementations
p5-Text-Affixes Prefixes and suffixes analysis of text
p5-Text-Aligner Perl module to align text
p5-Text-ASCIITable (V) Create a nice formatted table using ASCII characters
p5-Text-Aspell Perl interface to the GNU Aspell library
p5-Text-Autoformat Perl module for text wrapping and reformatting
p5-Text-Balanced Extract delimited text sequences from strings
p5-Text-BibTeX Perl library for reading, parsing, and processing BibTeX files
p5-Text-Brew Perl module for configurable and analyzable edit distances
p5-Text-CharWidth Perl5 wrappers around wcwidth(3) and family
p5-Text-ChaSen Perl5 module to use ChaSen
p5-Text-CHM (V) Module that implements a support for handling CHM files
p5-Text-Context (V) Perl module for highlighting search result context snippets
p5-Text-Context-EitherSide Get n words either side of search keywords
p5-Text-CSV Comma-separated values manipulator (using XS or PurePerl)
p5-Text-CSV_XS Routines for composition and decomposition of comma-separated values
p5-Text-CSV-Encoded Encoding aware Text::CSV
p5-Text-CSV-Hash Perl5 module for hash based CSV usage
p5-Text-CSV-Simple Simpler parsing of CSV files
p5-Text-DelimMatch Find regexp delimited strings with proper nesting
p5-Text-DHCPLeases Perl 5 module to parse DHCP leases file from ISC dhcpd
p5-Text-Diff High-level text diffing module for Perl
p5-Text-Diff-HTML HTML formatting class for Text::Diff
p5-Text-Diff-Parser Parse patch files containing unified and standard diffs
p5-Text-DoubleMetaphone Double Metaphone sounds like algorithm
p5-Text-Emoticon Emoticon filter class
p5-Text-Emoticon-MSN Emoticon filter of MSN Messenger
p5-Text-EtText (V) Simple plain-text format which allows conversion to and from HTML
p5-Text-FindIndent Heuristically determine the indent style
p5-Text-Format Provide perl5 formatting functions on plain text
p5-Text-German German grundform reduction
p5-Text-Glob Match globbing patterns against text
p5-Text-Hatena (V) Perl extension for formatting text with Hatena Style
p5-Text-Hunspell Perl module to interface with GNU Hunspell
p5-Text-Kakasi Perl5 module to use Kakasi
p5-Text-LevenshteinXS XS implementation of the Levenshtein edit distance
p5-Text-Markdown Convert Markdown to HTML
p5-Text-Markdown-Discount Convert Markdown to (X)HTML
p5-Text-Microformat Perl 5 Microformat parser
p5-Text-MicroTemplate Perl 5 module providing a template engine
p5-Text-Morse Encoding and decoding Morse code
p5-Text-MultiMarkdown Convert MultiMarkdown syntax to (X)HTML
p5-Text-Ngram Ngram analysis of text
p5-Text-Nimble Elegant markup language for a more civilized age
p5-Text-Password-Pronounceable (V) Generate pronounceable passwords
p5-Text-Patch Perl5 module patches text with given patch
p5-Text-PDF Perl 5 module for manipulating PDF files
p5-Text-Quoted Extract the structure of a quoted mail message
p5-Text-RecordParser Perl5 extension to read record-oriented files
p5-Text-Reflow Reflowing of text using Knuth's paragraphing algorithm
p5-Text-Reform Manual text wrapping and reformatting
p5-Text-RewriteRules Perl 5 module to rewrite text using regexp-based rules
p5-Text-Roman Allows conversion between Roman and Arabic algarisms
p5-Text-Sass Perl 5 module implementing Sass